Online educational platforms have emerged as a lifeline for working parents of school-age kids. These platforms offer an array of courses and activities that not only engage children but also provide educational value. This approach not only supports working mothers but also contributes to the children’s developmental needs.
Corporate Strategies for Childcare Support:
Prior to the pandemic, after-school care was already a critical need for working parents. According to the Afterschool Alliance, in 2020, for every child in a program, two were waiting to get in. However, the advent of COVID-19 caused a seismic shift, exacerbating these shortages.
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National reports now indica...
Online educational platforms have emerged as a lifeline for working parents of school-age kids. These platforms offer an array of courses and activities that not only engage children but also provide educational value. This approach not only supports working mothers but also contributes to the children’s developmental needs.
Corporate Strategies for Childcare Support:
Prior to the pandemic, after-school care was already a critical need for working parents. According to the Afterschool Alliance, in 2020, for every child in a program, two were waiting to get in. However, the advent of COVID-19 caused a seismic shift, exacerbating these shortages.
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National reports now indicate that for every child in an after-school program, four others are now waiting. Not only did this drive up the cost of care, making it unattainable for many families, the ripple effect saw women’s workforce participation reduce to a 33-year low, per a National Women’s Law Center report. The result? A twofold impact: squeezing an already tight market for after-school care and pushing many mothers out of the workforce due to the lack of support.
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