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Anantmool - Anantmool Benefits - Anantmool Powder - Anantmool Price – Theyoungchemist Anantmool is a synonym for the herbal drug Saariva. It is a climber with the length of 5 to 15 feets. Leaves of this drug resemble like that of pomegranate. The roots of anantmool smell like camphor. How is anantmool known in your region? In the Hindi and Bengali speaking S...
Shea Butter - Shea Butter For Skin - Shea Butter Cream - Shea Butter Price - Theyoungchemist • Shea Butter is derived from the nuts of Shea tree, or Butyrospermum parkii, commonly grown in Africa. Shea Butter is rich in Vitamins A, E & F because of which it is excellent for use in skincare products. Shea butter is made up of triglycerides or fatty acids,...